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Leonard Cohen: Everybody Knows (A Call From The Heart) The Great Meaning Behind

Leonard Cohen: Everybody Knows (A Call From The Heart) The Great Meaning Behind

Álbum: I'm Your Man. © 1988 Columbia. Sony Music Entertainment.

"A Call From The Heart": Interpretation of possible hidden meaning of the song "Everybody Knows" of Leonard Cohen.

Note: This article is an English translation. The original was written in Spanish, so might have errors in diction that will be corrected. See the original in Spanish here.

Finally we talk about the music of Leonard Cohen on this blog. And it was not for lack of taste or interest, unlike he has several interesting work. The reason is simple, their lyrics are denser than the average and require more than scanning to venture to what really wants to communicate. If someone has tried to quote translated lyrics it will be already taken account of this, the result may not always be expected and run almost the same. However, the song still indicating us that there is something more background of what appear to the letters to the naked eye. And we may never come to understand them all but at least we’ll attempt to give an opinion on the matter.

The song "Everybody Knows" released the album "I’m Your Man" in 1988. It was written by Leonard Cohen and Sharon Robinson collaboration. Of the covers have been made and which we know in Ideasnopalabras definitely we remain with the original version of Cohen, although the Concrete Blonde it’s good. Among other artists performing this song are Kari Bremnes, Don Henley, Washington Squares, Dayna Kurtz, Rufus Wainwright, The Duhks, Jean-Claude Toran, Holly O’Reilly, David Ford, Claus Hempler, The Unseen Guest, The Cosa Nostra Klub, the same Sharon Robinson, 77 El Deora, The Scarring Party. We have not heard all the listed versions, but we expect to find any that we like. It has also been used in several films and commercial to mention a few: Allan Moyle:  Pump Up The Volume, (1990). Atom Egoyan with Exotica. The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters, etc.

[In Edition]…

Written by: Antonio Ayora © 25/Mayo/2009

Subtítulo: "Un Llamado Del Corazón"

Interpretation based on the possible
hidden meaning of the song
"Everybody knows"

"Everybody knows"

Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows the war is over
Everybody knows the good guys lost
Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That's how it goes
Everybody knows

Everybody knows that the boat is leaking
Everybody knows that the captain lied
Everybody got this broken feeling
Like their father or their dog just died
Everybody talking to their pockets
Everybody wants a box of chocolates
And a long stem rose
Everybody knows

Everybody knows that you love me baby
Everybody knows that you really do
Everybody knows that you've been faithful
Ah give or take a night or two
Everybody knows you've been discreet
But there were so many people
you just had to meet without your clothes
And everybody knows

Everybody knows, everybody knows
That's how it goes
Everybody knows
Everybody knows, everybody knows
That's how it goes
Everybody knows

And everybody knows that it's now or never
Everybody knows that it's me or you
And everybody knows that you live forever
Ah when you've done a line or two
Everybody knows the deal is rotten
Old Black Joe's still picking cotton
For your ribbons and bows
And everybody knows

And everybody... that the Plague is coming
Everybody knows that it's moving fast
Everybody... that the naked man and woman
Are just a shining artifact of the past
Everybody knows the scene is dead
But there's gonna be a meter on your bed
That will disclose, what everybody knows

And everybody knows that you're in trouble
Everybody knows what you've been through
From the bloody cross on top of Calvary
To the beach at Malibu
Everybody knows it's coming apart
Take one last look at this Sacred Heart
Before it blows
And everybody knows

Everybody knows, everybody knows
That's how it goes
Everybody knows
Everybody knows, everybody knows
That's how it goes
Ohhh... Everybody knows

Everybody knows, everybody knows
That's how it goes
Everybody knows
Everybody knows, everybody knows

*Letra original en escrita por:
Leonard Cohen; Sharon Robinson
[Stranger Music, Inc.]

"Un Llamado Del Corazón"

Todos saben que las apuestas están arregladas
y aun así juegan esperando un golpe de suerte.
Todo el mundo sabe... que la guerra no existe,
los buenos la han perdido desde antes de iniciarla.
Todos saben que la lucha también fue manipulada:
el pobre permanece pobre, el rico seguirá robando.
Así es como su controversial sistema camina,
es un secreto a voces que nadie ignora.

Todos saben que la nave está por desplomarse,
están conscientes que el capitán trata de ocultarlo.
Sentimiento de agonía cercano a este temido vacío
se padece justo al morir sus padres... o su perro.
Todo el mundo alardeando de sus riquezas,
esperando así cubrir sus carencias con regalos,
comprando el amor y el reconocimiento social.
Todos sienten y pasan por esto en algún momento.

Todo el mundo sabe que tú me amas, hijo mío,
aunque saben bien cómo se comportan en realidad.
Ante los ojos de los demás han sido unos fieles,
pero ustedes mismos sabrán las faltas cometidas.
No obstante, saben lo que han soportado callados,
pero hubo tanta necesidad que no importó pisotear
o humillarse ante mucha gente para abrirse paso.
Y todo el mundo sabe por lo que tuvo que pasar.

Todo el mundo sabe, reconoce su propia historia,
así es como esto se va escribiendo.
Todo el mundo sabe que nada está escrito,
todos culpando al destino, saben que no lo saben.
Todo depende como quieran llevarlo,
todo el mundo lo sabe en el fondo.

Y todos saben que la pereza no deja nada bueno,
al igual que su egoísmo derivado de esa desidia.
Saben que si lo superan podrían vivir para siempre,
cuando realmente marquen el rumbo de la historia.
Aunque saben que el trato a sus semejantes apesta,
la esclavitud sigue hasta sus días, en forma de
racismo, discriminación o de su propia intolerancia.
Ah y todo el mundo sabe disimularlo bastante bien.

Y todo el mundo sabe que la Plaga se aproxima,
saben que podría empezar a mutarse sin control
y hasta provocar que sus aparatos de procreación
sean magnificas piezas de museo... pero sin uso.
Saben lo que significa dicha escena: su extinción.
En todo caso estará ahí parada, junto a su lecho de
muerte, consumando... lo que todo el mundo teme.

Y todo el mundo sabe que se encuentran en apuros,
todos sienten la cruz que han venido arrastrando.
Desde aquel linchamiento en la cima del Calvario,
hasta la vida entre lujos y excesos, nada está exento.
Todo el mundo presiente que el desenlace se acerca,
mejor depositen su fe en este Sagrado Corazón que
les está hablando ahora mismo... antes que reviente.
Y todo el mundo sabe si sabrá responder a tiempo.

Todo el mundo sabe... que el tiempo no se detiene,
así es como marchan las cosas y no hay vuelta atrás.
No se dan cuenta que el planeta empieza a quejarse.
Todo el mundo sabe, entiende que deben moverse,
así es como podrán salvarse para seguir la historia.
Ohhh... todo el mundo sabe si me hará caso o no.

Todo el mundo sabe... que está en sus manos,
así es como va el principio de las cosas que creé.
Todo el mundo sabe que la vida no espera,
saben que depende más de ustedes... que de mí.

Interpretación escrita por: Antonio Ayora

A Call From The Heart

Everybody knows that the bets are rigged,
and even so plays expecting a stroke of luck.
Everybody knows... the war does not exist,
the good guys lost it before to start it.
Everybody knows the fight was also manipulated:
the poor stay poor, the rich will go on stealing.
That’s how their controversial system walks,
it’s an open secret that nobody ignores.

Everybody knows the ship is about to collapse,
everybody is aware of that may not be a lie.
The anguish will be similar to that void left
like when their parents just died… or their dog.
Everybody while flaunting of their wealth,
expecting so to cover their lacking with gifts,
buying the love and the social recognition.
Everybody too preoccupied with trivialities.

Everybody knows that you love me, my dear son,
although know well how you behave in reality.
In the eyes of others you have been ones faithful,
but yourselves will know the faults committed.
However, you know what have borne in silence,
but there was such need that not matter to trample
or humiliate oneself before others to get ahead.
And everybody knows what went through.

Everybody knows, recognizes their own history,
that’s how this is going writing.
Everybody knows that nothing is written,
all blaming the destiny, know you do not know it.
Everything depends how you want to carry it,
everybody knows it in the deep inside.

And know that laziness leaves nothing good,
so like your egoism derives from that slovenliness.
But if you overcome this you could live forever,
when you really mark the course of history.
Although know that treat to your fellow men stinks,
the slavery go on until your days, in form of racism,
discrimination or of your own intolerance.
And everybody knows it to dissimulate quite well.

And everybody knows that the Plague is coming,
know that it can begin to mutate out of control.
It may cause that your procreation devices
are magnificent museum pieces... but no use.
Know what means that scene: your extinction.
In any case it’ll be there stand, near of your
deathbed, consummating... what everybody fears.

And everybody knows that you’re in trouble,
everybody feels the cross that have come dragging.
From that lynching on top of Calvary, until to the
life between luxury and excess, nothing is exempt.
Everybody has a feeling that the ending is near,
better deposit your faith in this Sacred Heart
that is speaking to you now... before it blows.
And everybody knows never too late while you can.

Everybody knows ... the clock is ticking,
that’s how things march and not going back.
Everybody realizes the planet begins to complain.
Everybody knows, understands that must move,
that’s how you can to save to continue the story.
Ohhh... everybody knows if will ignore me or not.

Everybody knows... it is in your hands,
that’s how does the principle of things I created.
Everybody knows that life does not wait,
know that depends more on you... that of me.

Interpretation written by: Antonio Ayora

"Interpreting ideas, not words"

Ref:402010040141 Última modificación: 3/Septiembre/2012
*The original lyric song is exclusive property of their authors quoted. It is used for reference only.

Note: This article is an English translation. The original was written in Spanish, so might have errors in diction. See the original in Spanish here.

References or sources related to the article:

Canciones relacionadas a

Everybody Knows

versiones, covers, remixes, etc.
TopArtistaCanción o temaGénerosIdiomaAñoValoraciónWeb
1 Leonard Cohen Everybody Knows Rock folklórico; ContemporáneoInglés70.00
YoutubeCanción Leonard Cohen - Everybody Knows en WikipediaGoogleBingYahooGoogleplaySpotifyAmazon
2 Concrete Blonde Everybody Knows 60.00
3 Holly Figueroa O'Reilly Everybody Knows 100.00
4 77 El Deora Everybody Knows 0.00
5 Claus Hempler Everybody Knows 0.00
6 David Ford Everybody Knows 0.00
7 Dayna Kurtz Everybody Knows 0.00
8 Don Henley Everybody Knows 0.00
9 Elizabeth And The Catapult Everybody Knows 0.00
10 Jean-Claude Toran Everybody Knows 0.00
11 Kari Bremnes Alle Vet Jo Det 0.00
12 Lipps Inc. Everybody Knows** R&BInglés0.00
13 Rufus Wainwright Everybody Knows 0.00
14 Sharon Robinson Everybody Knows 0.00
15 The Cosa Nostra Klub Everybody Knows 0.00
16 The Duhks Everybody Knows 0.00
17 The Scarring Party Everybody Knows 0.00
18 The Unseen Guest Everybody Knows 0.00
19 Washington Squares Everybody Knows 0.00
*Última actualización: 07/04/2020.
*Canciones ordenadas por popularidad (El total de puntos es igual a la calificación promedio por votos).
**Canción no relacionada pero tiene en común el mismo título.

*Su votación de estrellas no se refleja enseguida, se actualiza periódicamente.

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Videos de Everybody knows
(Versiones y Covers)

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